Infinite Gain Productions

How Did I End Up Here?



Matt Flanagan is overwhelmed by cookies, Chris Black sees red, and Jennie Josephson sits on a fire hydrant and cries. MP3 Show Notes: Form: The 3fer: Three people, three stories, one theme and let’s see if they connect. Theme: How Did I End Up Here? The music: Our opening and closing music is a selection from “Unlocked Door” used by permission of Alex Cook. Thank you Alex! If you want to hear the complete songs, check out Alex Cook’s bandcamp page and his website Stonebalancer Additional music featured on the podcast includes: “L.A.” by the Nighttime Adventure Society “Super Headache Bitch” by Nic Waterman Storytellers: Matthew C. Flanagan, Chris Black, Jennie Josephson Part One: Matthew C. Flanagan “Ting?” Part Two:  Chris Black “Don’t Mess With Frodo ” Part Three:  Jennie Josephson “May 19, 2010” Production Notes:  Oh, so you’re supposed to levelate before editing, eh? Lesson learned.