Infinite Gain Productions

That Time I Was The Villain



Kate Flanagan pulls a “Carrie”, Jennie Josephson comes to blows with Effing Mittens, and Tom Merritt shatters his nice-guy image. Nooooooooo!!! MP3 Show Notes: Form: The 3fer: Three people, three stories, one theme and let’s see if they connect. Theme: That Time I Was The Villain…and didn’t realize ’til later. The music: Our opening and closing music is a selection from “Unlocked Door” used by permission of Alex Cook. Thank you Alex! If you want to hear the complete songs, check out Alex Cook’s bandcamp page and his website Stonebalancer An amazing thing happened this week where we were having a hard time finding music that was as good as last week’s music, even with all the bountiful options at the Free Music Archive.  So just on a whim, I searched available songs from the two artists we featured last week and BAM: Jason Karaban’s “Low Road” is so perfect for our show this week. This is an artist who has been creating beautiful music for years, and I just discovered it last week. Love when that happens. C