Infinite Gain Productions

The Doctor Is In



Dan Rather and the Dalai Lama meet in a palace. Jennie is there, then she gets sick. KARMA.  Tom Parks and Ben Burdick tell us about their encounters with  doctors in Missouri and Idaho. MP3   Show Notes: Form: The 3fer: Three people, three stories, one theme and let’s see if they connect. Theme: The Doctor Is In The music: Our opening and closing music is a selection from “Unlocked Door” used by permission of Alex Cook. Thank you Alex! If you want to hear the complete songs, check out Alex Cook’s bandcamp page and his website Stonebalancer Other music featured in the show: Field recordings from India featured on the Free Music Archive Stefano Vita’s “Coming Home”  Free Tim’s version of John Phillips Sousa’s “Thunderer’s March”  “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson” Theme was used briefly at the end of a segment where a comedian discussed the impact of being on The Tonight Show and hearing that music. And just the brief amount we used gave me chills and nostalgia. Storytellers:  Tom Parks, Ben Burdick &