Sb Barber Morning Show

GMSbuzz on Dec 12! 12N Justice4Jamar Unity March & Rally



Business of Weds Best Resources-Talk2us. Join us on your destination SB Barber Morning Show. March from 4th Precinct to Government Ctr in the upcoming city-wide 'Justice for Jamar Unity March & Rally' on Sat,12/19@12N. We want '10,000 marching for Jamar'. OUR DEMANDS: DEMAND Prosecution of the cop who killed Jamar Clark; NO GRAND JURY; Immediate release of the tapes; Federal domestic terrorism charges against criminals who shot 5 protestors; Community control and oversight of police. This is our city!" Slideshow images:  12/13 - John Jennings, whose 19 year old son Teven King (pictured) was one of the young people shot by White Supremacists (3 shown) wounded 5 protesters during the occupation of the Minneapolis Fourth Precinct police station, "...people should come out to the march and keep the fight going, so that the sacrifice his son and the four other young people made would not be in vain. His son Teven had the most serious wound as he was shot in the stomach and the intestines and he had to underg