Sb Barber Morning Show

Business of Tues New, Jan 05! MOA security forcefully restrain Black teen girl



Business of Tues New. Talk2us.  Outrage to MOA forcefully restrains Black Teen Girl; Natalie Cole passes. Our error: Gary Coleman died 2010. Join us on your destination SB Barber Morning Show AM/PM. (  The Minneapolis NAACP wants the Mall of America to apologize for an incident Saturday[Dec 26] where security officers restrained a 14-year-old African-American girl. Marea Perry, a Twin Cities pastor and the girl's mother, said her daughter, Isabella Brown, went shoe shopping the day after Christmas and was asked to leave the mall because she was under 16 and without an adult escort. Perry said her daughter was complying with the request from security and was at the mall's public transit station trying to get change for a $20 bill so she could take the bus home when three security guards pinned her to the ground. "She was targeted because she was black. She was treated without dignity, respect, or kindness." Apostle/ProphSB Barber & The Crew take the gloves off and discuss current is