Health And Harmony Radio Network

HEAVENLY ENCOUNTERS: Are You My Soulmate? (Part 1)



Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we are delving into the topic of LOVE and how it plays into our Divine Connection to the Other Side. People deeply in love often claim that they have found their Soulmate, but is it really true? Fewer have heard about Twin Flames, which actually are the other half of your OWN soul. Our guests Cynthia Becker and Bill Weber are Twin Flames who have chosen to incarnate together on Earth. We'll hear about their amazing journey together and how we all can deepen the love within our own relationships. No show is complete without discussing the “pre-life” planning stage before we incarnate and how all those random encounters, may not have been left up to chance. Cynthia is a renowned intuitive and both her and Bill are Master Practitioners and certified trainers of NLP. Bill is also the author of “Make Love Beautiful” and “Choose Me", a collection of poems written for his love, Cynthia. Together, they travel and teach together in cities across North America. Please join us on th