Public Risk Management

Incorporating Microlearning Into Your Risk Management Strategy With Jim Nulsen



With a great number of organizations striving towards ever greater integration, microlearning has become a viable training method due to its engaging and interactive nature. Microlearning offers a series of short courses that are designed to expound on very specific points of a key topic. Topics and Format At times associated with meeting the needs of millennials, microlearning provides bite-sized chunks of applied wisdom that encompass a wide array of topics. Increased retention of acquired information, salvaged time and lower training costs are a few potential benefits that result from microlearning systems’ design as a fast and focused means of delivering information. The employment of microlearning provides managers and other organizational leaders an opportunity to address their team with timely information on goals, announcements or changes in strategy. Through video or other forms of media, managers can communicate and focus their team’s energy in real time. Integration with Existing Systems Micro