Butterfly Evolution




The word ROOT is defined as part of the body or plant that develops typically from the radicle and grows downward in the soil. What does this mean how is it applicable to life?  What, from the radical has grown downward in your soul?  “WHAT'S THE ROOT OF IT ALL” – All YOUR STUFF FEAR & UN-FORGIVENESS   BITTERNESS & ANGER INSECURITIES & FEELING OF REJECTION ENVY & NEGATIVITY INABILITY TO LOVE & BE LOVED   TEMPER TANTRUMS  LACK OF SELF-WORTH Women, why is it difficult for you to be your sister's keeper?  Men, what is the root of your feeling defeated and un-loved?  Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” What do you do and what’s flowing from your heart and roots? What have you gone through that you have not grown through?  As you prepare for the show examine your former and current destination.  What roots have led you to this place? What's your next destination?  Are you operating in the FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT and are YOU IN THE WILL