Butterfly Evolution




The 7 deadly sins are known as pride, anger, lust, greed, envy, gluttony and sloth.  Each sin is definitely deadly to your day to day living but most of all to your spiritual growth. Join Butterfly Evolution in a short series discussing the cause and effects of these deadly sins beginning with PRIDE.  Pride keeps you from dealing with the truth.  It distorts your vision, hardens the heart and dims the eyes of your understanding.  It keeps you from the change of heart-repentance-that will set you free. Sinful pride usually causes distorted self-esteem that ignores one’s shortcomings and places blame on others.  This sinful pride is typically followed or accompanied with arrogance, conceit and vanity.  Sinful pride exaggerates one’s abilities and accomplishments and ignores one’s imperfections and failings… Be sure to tune in on Monday July 8 at 8PM CST call in to listen and/or speak with the host at 8186917406 or listen on line from your computer or cell phone.  Thanks for your support!