Butterfly Evolution




SPIRITUALLY DROWNING PART 2 Part I of Spiritually Drowning was to help believers understand that without obedience, daily dying to self and without a change in heart produced by the Holy Spirit, it is impossible to have a right relationship with God.  The Holy Spirit enters the hearts of believers to supply the life of Christ. A believer without the life of Christ is having a form of Godliness but denying the POWER… which could potentially leave a believer feeling as he or she is drowning. Those who are in the FLESH can’t please GOD.  Part 1 presented questions “Have You CHANGED” “Are You SPIRITUALLY GROWING” - Part 2 will focus more on The Holy Spirit, The Fruits and Gifts Of The Spirit and YOUR Fiercest Foe, YOUR....  As you prepare for the broadcast and certainly after the broadcast ponder on the following questions:  Is your mind set on the things of the flesh or the SPIRIT?  Are you carnally minded or SPIRITUALLY minded?  Do you take every thought CAPTIVE to make it obedience to CHRIST?  What and/o