Zack Childress - Rei Success Academy -

The 24-Week Challenge: Week 24 - Wholesaling Lease Options



The question the 24-Week Challenge poses is how do real estate investors build real wealth and freedom without access to millions of dollars in capital? Zack Childress is taking us through 24 podcasts to get to the answer. Well, this is it… this is episode 24… the end of the 24-Week Challenge. You’ll be learning about wholesaling lease options. Wholesaling lease options works whether the real estate market is down or up. It’s perfect for right now because the market is teetering on a change from the highs of the last few years. And real estate investors have got to know how to operate in any market. You’ve got to know which strategies to use for the market that exists, period. When wholesaling lease options, you take over the payments of the current owner who has some equity in the property. Then you find someone who wants to live in the property right away and buy it in the future. The two of you come to an agreement over monthly payments, and you place an option with this individual to buy the property outr