Zack Childress - Rei Success Academy -

The Fast Way To Get A Deal



Today’s show covers tips that will ease your move down the path to success. First, get Zack’s book, My First Deal Playbook. You know you’ve got to find leads. And, hopefully, you are finding leads that 20 other people aren’t competing for. That’s the fastest way to get a deal. Zach uses these tips, and he’s got 9 rehab projects going right now. Zack will teach you how to find non-competitive leads, and even give you scripts to use when you contact them. Cultivate relationships with property management companies. They know landlords who no longer want to be and can’t wait to sell. Network repeatedly with wholesalers in your area. They want to sell, you want to buy. Right? “Changing your thoughts will change your life.” So shift your thinking to reflect that you need deals, not just leads.