Zack Childress - Rei Success Academy -

The Four Types of Buyers



The question that Zack Childress poses in every podcast is how do real estate investors build real wealth and freedom without access to millions of dollars in capital? His mission is to help you find the answer. Today we’re going to talk about the different types of buyers that you will encounter when working in real estate. The 1sttype is the first-time buyer. They’re good candidates for fix and flips because they’re usually looking for a low price. They’ve got a down payment, and generally use standard bank mortgages. Occasionally they need seller financing, which gives you a higher return. Listen to learn about other types of buyers, including financed investor buyers, cash buyers and tenant buyers. Zack breaks the larger categories into smaller units for an enlightening level of detail. “You can’t expect your results in life to change if you continue doing the same thing.”