Z2 Podcast: Comic Books & Pop Culture

Episode 40 - What are we? Some Kind of Rogue Squadron?



In this week's episode, the Z2 doesn't talk about Rogue One even though we all saw it as we are going to save that discussion for a later episode. However, we do talk about things that lead into Rogue One, such as Star Wars: Rebels which will have Saw Guerrera return for an episode which explains some things about his character in the movie. We talk about some exciting DC movie news as Ocean Master has been cast for the Aquaman movie, Gotham City Sirens is a go, and The Batman is confirmed for 2018. We keep the news segment short this week in order for Zach to talk about Chronicle since he's on a Max Landis high as of late, and he talks about the leaked script for Chronicle 2 that may have happened if things hadn't gone south for Max Landis and Josh Trank. We also have Z2 Comic Book Book Club this week, after finally getting around to reading We 3 by Grant Morrison and illustrated by Frank Quietly. We give our thoughts on this very brutal and heartbreaking story about good dogs, how we view animals as a socie