Z2 Podcast: Comic Books & Pop Culture

Episode 44 - Switch to a Switch



In this week's episode, the Z2 gang brings their good buddy Jim back onto the show to discuss many a topic revolving video games and Green Lantern. With the exciting news of the Nintendo Switch being announced this past week, we discuss the things we are excited about with it, how well it will do, and where in the hell is a new Metroid game. In Marvel news this week, the info of how the Inhumans tv show will be first put out as a 2 hour movie was released and it seems rather confusing. We ponder on what exactly it means and wonder what the hell is happening over at Marvel right now. Which brings us to talk about the new Secret Empire event and how Zach has a theory of how that event will end, and probably mean nothing within 6 months since there's event's constantly happening in Marvel books. In DC news, we learned that David Goyer and Justin Rhodes are really pushing to work on a Green Lantern Corps movie, and everyone wants to play Jon Stewart for some reason. However, there has been a lot of backlash with