Powers Hour

Startup Seed Funding with Mike Belsito



Laura Powers talks with Mike Belsito, author of Startup Seed Funding for the Rest of Us: How to Raise $1 Million for Your Startup – Even Outside of Silicon Valley. Mike also started the company efuneral and then sold it. Mike has been involved in startups for 11 years from being the first employee to starting his own startup then being a part of other startups as an executive. They raised a $1 million and ran the company for three years before selling the company. First question to ask yourself is do you need investors or should you just bootstrap it? Is this a business designed to raise capital? Do you need to? The goal then is to prove out if it’s worthwhile. Also think in the eyes of the investor - is this a company that is an investable co? If you do want to get investors, it is important to build something to show investors and investors do not invest anymore solely on ideas. Either build a prototype or a video prototype. When thinking about investors, think about your dream team? What are the skills se