Powers Hour

Collision Conference and The Host with Brittney Greene



Collision Conference, described as “the fastest growing tech conference” on their website takes place in New Orleans during jazzfest. They have over 20,000 attendees and over 3,000 CEOs attend. There are presentations and tracks plus lots of opportunities to network, pitch, and connect with like-minded people. This conference also has a lot more women than most tech conferences which I appreciated. You can learn more about Collision Conference at https://collisionconf.com/. I will also be featuring other guests from the conference in future episodes. At the conference I met Brittney Greene, CEO and Founder of The Host, a company that provides on-demand concierge services for Airbnb and other short term rentals. The HOST is a software application that delivers property managers, personal concierge, and other services to homeowners and travelers who use online vacation rental booking sites. Homeowners link their listing for free which allows their guests to partake in a variety of first class services. Service