C View Quantum Network

7/16/2018 ~ C View: Navigating Ascension Through Light Language. Maryanne Savino



C View presents: Navigating Ascension Through Light Language with Maryanne Savino ~ Sonic Alchemist ~ Empathic Channel ~ Temple Dancer ~ Chantress ~ Womb Priestess ~ Ascension Guide & Educator. **During the call, Maryanne will give Light Language transmission codes to assist us with Ascension and our Soul's Growth. These activations will be highly transformative…not to be missed! ** Ascension is a process of raising the vibrational frequency on the planet through our Human Soul journey. Many people are experiencing it as a descending of the Higher Soul Self into the human body - transformed through self-discovery and self-love. The Language of Light is made up of multi-dimensional creation codes that bypass the linear thinking mind and connects us directly to our heart as it resonates deeply with the Soul. The origin of Light Language comes from various star systems within the Universe (Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, Orion, Alpha Centuri, Antares, Lyra, Venus, etc.) and can be angelic, galactic