C View Quantum Network

7/25/2018 ~ C View: Planetary Activation Series. Planetary NEW YEAR - Celia Fenn



C View presents: Planetary Activation Series. Planetary NEW YEAR with Celia Fenn and Archangel Michael's Energy Activation in relation to the Cosmos The Next Wave: The Planetary New Year commences on July 26th, after the "day out of Time" on July 25th.. Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/10842285 This is the moment when the Lion Portals (8/8) open and a new and more evolved Time Spiral is made possible and can be created for the next Sacred Year. At this time, it is essential to keep your personal vibration high and clear, cutting through all illusions and focusing only on Love and Harmony. Don't allow anyone or any event at this time to pull you down into fear and anger, for these emotions will keep you at a low frequency and prevent you from reaching into a higher level of consciousness. Remember to be Light and for your heart to be as light as a feather as you float up to higher levels of being in the New Cycle. After the Fall of Atlantis and the loss of integrity in Ancient Egypt, the connection to the Sacre