C View Quantum Network

8/27/2018 ~ C View: Karmic Astrology. Past Life Astrology with Susan Reynolds -2



C View Quantum Network welcomes Susan Reynolds with her monthly show "Karmic Astrology". If you want to be part of one of her shows and get a FREE mini reading, please fill out form http://www.charlotteview.net/susan-reynolds.html Retrogrades, Eclipses, Planets entering or exiting houses, Moon crossing the sky and more. What does it means for you? In fact, what you do not know is that you have an entire Planetary staff that works for you on a daily basis. They work hard and tirelessly providing you with new opportunities to become the success that you are MEANT to be. The good news is that they work for you for FREE! Susan Reynolds has worked as a karmic astrologer for the last 30 years. Karmic astrology looks at your soul's journey. What were your past lives and how do those lives impact your current one. Astrology helps us learn the easy way and avoid potential pitfalls. It is the only modality that is able to look at your past, present and future and it's my pleasure to read for you and offer you its i