C View Quantum Network

12/21/2018 ~ C View: Planetary Activation Series: December Solstice. Celia Fenn



Join Host, Celia Fenn (http://starchildglobal.com) and Producer, Claudia Pureco (www.CView1111.net) on our December Solstice episode - last on our Planetary Activation Series of 2018. During this episode, Celia Fenn explains the energies, waves and dimensions that are in play during the Solstice Portal. She then channels Archangel Micheal for a Planetary Activation to help everyone on the call - no matter when you listen - to align ourselves to the shift going on at the moment. We are preparing ourselves to bridge the energies of 2018 (a 11 and 2 year) to those of 2019 (a 12 to 3 year). While the energy around us seems to be getting more frenetic as we enter the "festive" season, we need to focus on peace and harmony. This is our training for entering the New Earth where we will indeed be spending more time in our own company and that of those who are also called to the New Earth timeline. 2019 will be the year when we fully activate the Rainbow Bridge to the New Earth, so let us now use these powerful Angel