Creation Energies With Brenda Hoffman

Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman



Summary of the October 23, 2015, Creation Energies show - Brenda's 15-minute channel at Before your transition, your life followed a logical path. Now that karma is no more and you've accepted your true power, your life is beginning to seem illogical. And so it should for you're creating your life as a solo act instead of depending on others to fulfill their karma obligations to/with you.  The Past is Past is the title of this week's Brenda's Blog - her written channel for Overview of the October 30, 2015, Creation Energies show: Now that you've transitioned to 5D, you're learning how to live your new life in joy. And you will do so by finding at least one piece of your day that gives you joy - a flower, a color, a friend or any piece that moves your thoughts, beliefs and feelings from fear to joy. You have all done so previously with a cast of characters in your 3D fear life. It is much easier now for you're the only actor. Allow yourself