Creation Energies With Brenda Hoffman

Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman



Summary of November 20, 2015, Creation Energies show - Brenda's 15-minute channel at Most likely, you were part of earth's inception. Some of you returned to earth numerous times in various segments. Others observed earth from the ethers. For earth has been your project since you created it eons ago. You're completing the clearing of your earth fears to create your earth security - allowing you to shift beyond your earth being in 2016. Evolving From Success to Security is the title of this week's Brenda's Blog - her channeled blog for Overview of the November 27, 2015, Creation Energies show: Many of you are so frustrated by your seeming lack of creating your earth dream that you are resorting to the 3D belief that such is not possible. In truth, you have combined the ingredients for your cake (earth dream) and it is in the oven. There is nothing more you need to do other than waiting for the timer to ring indicating your cake is done. You