Creation Energies With Brenda Hoffman

Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman



Summary of Brenda’s January 1, 2016, channeled, 15-minute Creation Energies show at / brenda-hoffman:   Twenty sixteen begins a new phase of your words and actions. Instead of promoting fear, tell others of your joy and miracles large and small. It is time to claim your god/goddess/star role – becoming a beacon of joy for others. Those of you who have not yet created your earth security dream will – for it is meant to be. New Frequencies are Waitingis the title of this week's Brenda's Blog for Overview of January 7, 2016, Creation Energies show: In your next phase, you'll transition beyond expanding all that there is of earth into all that there is. You creator beings have completed your earth creation. Once you create your personal earth security dream, you'll transition to expanding the Universal circle of knowledge with interests already part of your being. But like learning to drive an automobile, that does not mean you will leave earth, merel