Coder Catchup

Episode 012 - Solo: Emberconf 2015 Catchup



Ember 2.0 will go into Beta and all major ember components, liquid fire, ember cli, will have 1.0 releases by June 12th Videos available on ConFreaks JSON API Support out of the box with ember-data (assumes it) Version 1.0 PR has been opened Lauren Tan has a repo of links to everything that happened (videos etc) - Glimmer rendering engine (super super fast, about the same as react, coming soon) All new guides site (versioned) at Ember-cli is recommended now, first class citizen HTMLbars DockYards Tools of the trade "A free design pattern library for Ember applications." - Liquid Fire - So awesome, just watch the video ember deploy command through ember-cli-deploy, making deploying much easier Wicked Good Ember conf is coming soon!, June 16th in Boston