Coder Catchup

Episode 015 - SOLO: Useful Ruby/Rails Gems



The Ruby/Rails gems that I use on a large number of projects with some high level overviews of what they are. Use my gist for reference: Devise: The only authentication library to use (there is clearance though) Rspec: The go to for testing (although, minitest has a spec variation and its pretty awesome) Cabybara: For all the searching and finding of things with integration tests. Pg: Postgres for the DB Unicorn: My favourite app server (gotta look at Puma though, Heroku are recommending it now, lower memory usage) lograge: Keep them logs in check figaro: Useful for setting environment variables bootstrap-sass or foundation (great front-end frameworks) bourbon: Awesome mixin library simpleform: Should be a default in rails for the forms, seriously quiet assets: Make those asset notices nice and clean in dev brakeman: Make sure we are not doing anything dangerous Rails Best Practices: Helps keep things in line with the standards letter opener: Great for in dev whe