Coder Catchup

Episode 116 - NPM 5…4 3 2 1



Version 5 of NPM is released and it is packed full of goodies! Bundled in all new installations of Node.js 8 New Features A new, standardised lockfile feature meant for cross-package-manager compatibility (package-lock.json), and a new format and semantics for shrinkwrap. --save is no longer necessary. All installs will be saved by default. You can prevent saving with --no-save. Installing optional and dev deps is unchanged Installing a package directory now ends up creating a symlink and does the Right Thing™ as far as saving to and installing from the package lock goes. If you have a monorepo, this might make things much easier to work with, and probably a lot faster too. Project-level (toplevel) preinstall scripts now run before anything else, and can modify node_modules before the CLI reads it. Two new scripts have been added, prepack and postpack, which will run on both npm pack and npm publish, but NOT on npm install (without arguments). Git dependencies wit