Coder Catchup

Episode 125 - Elixir 1.5 and Phoenix 1.3 Released



Elixir 1.5 Elixir v1.5 includes new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. While Elixir v1.4 focused on tools for concurrency and scalability, Elixir v1.5 brings many improvements to the developer experience and quality of life. As we will see, many of those are powered by the latest Erlang/OTP 20. This is also the last Elixir release that supports Erlang/OTP 18. UTF-8 atoms, function names and variables IEx helpers and breakpoints IEx got many enhancements to the developer experience. the autocompletion system is now capable of autocompleting variables and user imports IEx also got new functions, such as exports/1, for listing all functions and macros in a module Finally, IEx also features a breakpoint system for code debugging when running on Erlang/OTP 20 Exception.blame Exception.blame/3 is a new function in Elixir that is capable of attaching debug information to certain exceptions. Currently this is used to augment FunctionClauseErrors