Coder Catchup

Episode 163 - Rails 6 Beta Features



April 30: Final release. Ship and celebrate the release of Rails 6.0 at RailsConf 2019! Rails 6.0 will require Ruby 2.5+ Action Mailbox Action Mailbox allows you to route incoming emails to controller-like mailboxes. ActiveStorage is required. Simple setup with: $ rails action_mailbox:install $ rails db:migrate Like the Mailman gem Action Text Action Text brings rich text content and editing to Rails. It includes the Trix editor that handles everything from formatting to links to quotes to lists to embedded images and galleries. The rich text content generated by the Trix editor is saved in its own RichText model that's associated with any existing Active Record model in the application. Any embedded images (or other attachments) are automatically stored using Active Storage and associated with the included RichText model. Simple install with rails action_text:install and running some migrations that are generated from the command. Parallel Testing Parallel Testing allows yo