Fulfilling Life's Yearnings With Blake Soulet

Ikigai | FLY050



FLY 050: Ikigai   Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value -Albert Einstein     What’s up FLY Zone,   A few weeks ago I was watching one of my facorite TV shows, Real Time With Bill Maher, and as part of his panel discussion, Bill had on explorer, Dan Buethner. Dan explores why people in areas of the world, called Blue Zones, live well into old age. Most people in these Blue Zones become centenarians, and they have 9 things in common, and the one I want to focus on for today’s show is Ikigai (pronounced icky-guy), so listen in to learn what it has to do with Fulfilling Life’s Yearnings.     Always remember,   You are alive to Fulfill Life’s Yearnings.