Movie Go Round

3: Logan



For our first Future Classics week, Brett nominated 2017’s “Logan.” The year is 2029, and an aging Logan is trying to leave Wolverine behind as he makes money as a limo driver to support himself, Caliban, and an ancient Professor Xavier. Into this attempt at a quiet life drops a pre-teen girl being chased by bad guys, and the motley group hits the road in search of sanctuary. Brett, David, and Nicole discuss its classic potential, what the black-and-white “noir” version brings to it, and how completely awesome Dafne Keen is as the girl in question. Next episode, Movie-Go-Round will travel abroad with its first Around the World selection. Please note that this episode and the original notes here stated the film was “The Host.” It will not be “The Host” due to a technical error, but rather, the Jamaican classic, “The Harder They Come.”