Seika Network

Legacy Forum: Why Network Marketing is the answer for millions of Americans



Legacy Forum is on the Seika Network providing information that assist people in living their dreams. Children dream of greatness. Adults trade those dreams for an illusionary reality. This week's topic is "Why Network Marketing is the answer for millions of Americans".    Network Marketing is a business model perfect for anyone willing to put forth hard work and persistance. It is most often the most misunderstood busines smodel in our country. The multi-level compensation benefit provided by many Network Marketing companies provide residual income for people activley involve in the product distribution. It is not a "trade you time for dollars" model of economic distribution. The Network Marketing business model holds people accountable to their production. It is quite possibly the most capitalisti business model in practice today.    We are here to stop the brainwashing and help people live a life worth remembering. A positively impactful legacy requires time freedom, economic empowerment, a support sys