Seika Network

Dynamic Dojo Talkradio: Cyberbullying: Its NOT okay.



Special episode for kids and adults alike!  Since the rise of the Internet, cyberbullying has become rampant in many online circles. Two things make it easy for bullies to harass others online: Anonymity and distance.  It is not just a "kids problem" anymore...many adults are victims of cyberbullying, and like kids many adults don't know what to do. Adults tend to think that they should be "old enough" to take care of it, but when bullying turns into constant harassment or threats of physical violence, both age groups need to have the tools to deal with and stop the bullying. We invite our listeners to call in and tell us about their own experiences....either as a victim or a previous bully. Let us know your thoughts on this matter.  Kids all over the United States are actually killing themselves from the anguish of bullying....or worse yet, committing acts of violence themselves in retribution. Let's discuss ways to stop the downward spiral that bullying causes.