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Violet ReikiRadio - Reiki and Alzheimer's Disease



Reiki for Alzheimer’s, Depression, Anxiety, Caregiver Stress, Pain Scientific validation of the effectiveness of Reiki has helped bring this method more and more to the mainstream, where it is able to aid patients in many realms. There are several vital areas where Reiki and other touch/energy therapies significantly aid people with dementia and their caregivers.  The first is that there is an indication from published, peer-reviewed research that Reiki can help address memory issues in people with mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer’s. There are also several other published studies that demonstrate that Reiki helps both depression and anxiety both among people with chronic medical issues, as well as in those do not.  One of the often reported outcomes of Reiki treatment is a state of calm relaxation.  In that dementia patients can have problems with agitation, Reiki’s calming influence can be greatly appreciated. Dementia patients often have other significant medical issues that might cause them