Seika Network

Dynamic Dojo Talkradio: Just what IS a Master, anyway?



Sunday December 7th, 2014. 6 pm Pacific Time  (347) 677-0699  Join Sifu Restita and Sifu Robert as they ponder the question "Just what IS a Master, anyway?" What is a Master? Not just in Martial Arts, but rather, in life? Does someone have to be a Mr. Miyagi figure to be considered a "Master"? We know that "Master" rank involves decades of practice, but even though someone is a Grandmaster in rank, do they carry over into having mastery over themselves?  There is so much bickering in our martial arts community lately....rather than bicker, couldn't Masters just control their perceptions and responses to life and difficult people? Is it one's ego responding to others, or are they reacting to actual insults? Do they respond in confidence, in anger, or chooseto not respond at all? Are we all doing our best to master ourselves?.....because we are all faces of martial artists to the non-martial arts world. Call us at (347) 677-0699 at approximately 6:30 pm Pacific time (after our news and announcements segment)