Abundant Intuitive Podcast

Loneliness as an Ascension Symptom?



Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE. Learn more about me here: http://www.kathrynmussell.com Loneliness as an Ascension Symptom? This major timeline split between 3D and 5D happening right now and through 9/19 can be pretty fierce for some of us. As we are making decisions that are either keeping our old timelines of limitation alive in 3D reality, or propelling us forward into realizing new potentials for being in 5D, there is one thing that's surely happening for both camps of people. There's lots of processing and integrating happening for everybody. We tend to overthink during times like this. It can feel like our thoughts are overtaking our ability to just be present and be available for ourselves or others. We can feel like there's nobody we can really share our true thoughts with because other