Straight Shot Health Talk

Beyond ‘Pain Management’ —How To Transform Your Pain & Your Life



Cindy’s Personal Story of Transformation Cindy’s story begins similarly to many others. One day she had a headache. Then, over the ensuing weeks and days, she experienced more headaches until, finally, they were constant. But while trying to find solutions for them…she continued to get sicker and sicker. More physicians led to more prescriptions until she was taking 19 different medications per day. More specialists led to more specialists until she was receiving 30+ injections (PER SESSION) and undergoing multiple other medical procedures. & More diagnoses (including an autoimmune disorder, a malabsorption syndrome, and an ‘incurable’ chronic pain condition.) But no answers. Until, one day, while lying in a hospital bed thinking she was going to die she asked, “But what will happen to my horses?” And that’s where the story gets interesting.