Contra Radio Network

Ep. 133 Tonight Tim Gamble



Tonight my guest is Tim Gamble from  Tim Gamble is a Christian * Patriot * Capitalist * Prepper * Historian * Economist * Polymath * Citizen of the Republic I have been asked, "Why Tim Gamble?"  Here is an excerpt from his latest blog entitled "The Patriot Prepper and Politics" "Be independent of government. Do not look to government for hand-outs, freebies, or special favors. Be self-reliant. The less dependent on government you are, the less power government will be able to exert on you."   Now tell me, doesn't that just scream at you to get this man on the air?   It does to me !!! If you are a Christian you don't want to miss episode of CRN !!! Most importantly I wish all of you a blessed Easter and Resurrection Day!!!!