Nine Panel Weekly Comic Book Podcast

Ep 130 Princess Leia #1, Hawkeye #1, Descender #1



Let's hear for the boys, specifically Ali who we have joining live in the beat lab. We discuss our favorite books and a little show you may have heard of, House of Cards. Please pay attention to the show notes if you haven't finished the series, we will spoil a ton of great plot points for you if haven't(Spoiler Alert: The last episode ends with an alien invasion, though you've probably figured that out if you've been paying attention). Also one last note, I was working on less than 5 hours of sleep and suffering from insomnia for a few days prior to the podcast so I get a little loopy and mean towards the end. Later Panel-Heads 5:28 - 17:22 House of Cards Discussion(Contains Spoilers) 35:31 The Woods #11 38:35 Crossed Badlands #73 42:37 Rat Queens #19 46:23 Nameless #2 50:26 The Dead don't die #1 53:18 Recommendations of the Week Princess Leia #1 59:36 Hawkeye #1 1:03:54 Descender #1