Legal Management Talk

The Future and the Futurist in Law Firms



Explore the role of the futurist today while getting a preview of what’s on the horizon in law firms tomorrow. Jobst Elster Jobst Elster brings extensive experience in market analysis, market research, public relations and product marketing to the legal industry. He has served as a legal market strategist for the last 15 years, advising companies entering the legal market, involved in mergers and acquisitions, and expanding operations overseas. Jobst regularly writes and speaks on legal technology, technology innovations and futures, legal marketing and big data. or via Twitter @InsideLegal. Article: Strategizing Today for the Legal Tech of Tomorrow, Legal Management, Jan. 2014   Eric Hunter Eric Hunter is the Director of Knowledge, Innovation & Technology Strategies at Bradford & Barthel, LLP and Executive Director of Spherical Models, LLC. He has recently integrated a Google-driven social media knowledge and collaboration environment within Bradford & Barthel, LLP.