Legal Management Talk

Proven Strategies to Attract Top Talent That Will Fit In, Perform and Stick



Description: Recruiting and retaining top talent for law firms is one of the biggest challenges faced by business of law leaders today. Tune into top career expert Sally Calloway as she shares proven strategies for attracting and keeping the most qualified candidates in the job market. Learn how to optimize the talent search process from writing effective job descriptions, to posting in unconventional places to conducting compliant and cohesive interviews to determining if a candidate is the right culture fit.   About Sally Calloway: Sally Calloway is an expert resume writer, certified professional career coach, and best-selling author. She trains job seekers and HR professionals, revealing new rules and proven strategies to win the job, and employment trends of the 21st century job market. Calloway is also a career journalist who contributes to the Career Girl Network, honored by Forbes as one of the best sites for career advice, and to Currently an entrepreneur career coach and CEO of Sally Ca