Legal Management Talk

The Legal Workplace: Engaging Men to Advance Women



Description: Much of the work of advancing women in the legal workplace falls on the shoulders of women. Most firms have women’s initiatives run by and for women, and these initiatives have great value. But they are not changing the norms, attitudes and biases that govern law firm advancement, leadership and rewards. Little significant change is possible at the top of law firms, where it really counts, unless those with power – men – take the lead and are accountable for it.  Contact: Ida Abbott Consulting         About Ida Abbott: Ida Abbott helps employers manage, develop and retain legal talent, and serves as mentor and coach to high achieving individuals seeking professional success. A prolific author and speaker, she has long been a leader in the field of lawyers’ professional and leadership development, specializing in mentoring and sponsorship. Abbott is a Fellow of the College of Law Practice Management, and co-founder of the Hastings Leadership Academy for Women and t