Legal Management Talk

Legal Technology Purchasing with Jobst Elster of InsideLegal



Jobst Elster discusses the results of the 2015 ILTA/InsideLegal Technology Purchasing Survey, available at  Speaker Bio Jobst Elster is the Head of Content and Legal Market Strategy at InsideLegal. He brings extensive experience in market analysis, market research, public relations and product marketing to the legal industry. He has served as a legal market strategist for the last 15 years, advising companies entering the legal market, involved in mergers and acquisitions, and expanding operations overseas. His clear view of legal trending, market development and market perception uniquely positions him to advise companies, legal associations and law firms as they align their business strategies to reflect market realities. Jobst regularly writes and speaks on legal technology trends, technology innovations and futures, cloud computing, legal marketing and legal big data. He is a member of the ABA’s Big Data Committee. He can be reached at or via Twitter @InsideLe