World Vision Stir Radio (2009)

STIR Radio - Logging of the Amazon



The Amazon Rainforest is disappearing . Fast. So we should stop chopping it down... right? Stacey, Ryaneisha, Amye and Fran take a longer look at what sometimes seems like a simple question. They ask: - What is the law on logging in the Amazon? Who enforces it, and how seriously? - How much longing is done illegally? What can the Brazilian Government and NGOs do to stop it? What kind of environmental impacts does it have? - What about the rights of Indigenous groups – who is looking out for them, and who is listening to what they have to say? - How are WE implicated in illegal logging through our purchasing habits and how can we avoid it? - Whose job is it to think about all these things anyway? What kind of bright ideas are people coming up with to make a difference? ... you’ll never look at your skirting boards the same way – we promise! Special Guest: Tim Birch – Forestry Manager for the Wilderness Society