Ask Kristi Podcast

Tips for Online Dating



When I joined my first dating site a several years ago, before I met my boyfriend, I really just put my name out there to meet people. Little did I know, that is not what the males had in mind. I had just recently got a divorce and was looking to date but nothing serious. I felt like I was lost in a sea of unwanted attention. Actually I was on it a short while and was one of the lucky ones... but I didn’t respond to everyone as there were some lines these guys threw out that didn’t want me to know them anymore then the last sentence they posted on their bio. I did learn a lot though in my short time with online dating. When navigating online dating, the most successful women plot out their own course. I know it’s tempting for single women to sit back and wait for their Prince Charming to come knocking, but being proactive can save them a lot of time and headache in the long run.