Dr. Bill And The Pak

Episode 7: Wadgy Wawas & The Punk Flids



And the saga continues. In the 2nd episode of the Pink Floyd series, Bill & Pak dissect the band's 1975 album: Wish You Were Here. Although there's no reggae interpretations to completely derail this week's episode, the homies manage to derail the discussion perfectly fine on their own. But somehow--in an episode with a runtime longer than the actual album in question--Bill & Pak still manage to keep it together enough break down the lyrics, music, and themes of regret, absence, and getting lost in the sauce of LSD. And it is indeed a saucy episode. Barbecue, in fact. As always, you can reach out to Dr. Bill & The Pak by dropping us a line at drbillandthepak@gmail.com, or leaving us a voicemail at (669) 257-4046.