Welcome Home

What the Heck is the Enneagram Anyway? Episode 152



It seems like everyone is talking about their Enneagram number. But we really had no idea what the Enneagram was or why any of this mattered anyway? But fear not friends! Because today on Welcome Home, we’re bringing in an expert and we’re taking a stab at the baffling world of the Enneagram.   Join us as we chat with Certified Enneagram Coach, Lindsey Bailey, who helps us dig into our personality types and help you figure out yours.  Plus, driving and honking in New York City, why sitters always drive us crazy (no, we’re not talking about babysitters) and why we’ve now had an expert confirm that we’re perfect partners.  Links we mentioned on the show... https://www.enneagramspectrum.com/testing/ https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/ https://ianmorgancron.com/assessment https://www.truity.com/view/personality-test-finder To find out more about Lindsey, follow her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enneagram_joy/ SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT: CARE/OF Care/of is a subscription service that delivers vitami