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Darla Deardorff on Intercultural Competence



Getting an early start in high school with an exchange to Germany [1:43] Obtaining an internship with the United Nations in Geneva as an undergrad [2:15] Darla's dissertation which can be found in the NC State library [4:03] She's written eight books to date Looking at WHAT IS NECESSARY FOR US TO GET ALONG TOGETHER AS HUMANS? What does one do after getting as many diplomas as you can get? [7:47] Darla's current role @ Duke (past & present) [9:24] Working with Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) [10:43] A focus on those who are leading internationalization efforts at their higher education institutions Leaders In International Education  Receiving invitations to speak at different places around the world [12:23] Darla's favorite food from her travels... [15:33] I mentioned above she's written eight books [16:32] Chimamanda Adichie [19:42] Darla's ad