Your Money Manual With Vince Annable

Show #24 - Intrinsic Value and Replacement Cost: What You Don’t Know May Negatively Impact Your Investment Decisions



Have you or someone you know ever attempted to sell an asset, and it wasn’t worth what you thought—or hoped—it was, so you put off the sale, but the asset continued to decline in value?  Did you get angry and eventually sell the asset at a loss, or did you hold on to the asset with the idea that its value would eventually increase again, but instead continued to decline?  ​ On this edition of "Your Money Manual," Vince Annable welcomes Robert Ambrosi, Chairman and CEO of ARCTRUST to talk about why investors often hesitate to sell their investments.  He’ll help us all to understand the important concept of intrinsic value as well as some guidelines that his firm uses to help determine the possible future value of an asset prior to making important investment decisions.  In addition, Vince and Mr. Ambrosi will shed some important light on another key concept—replacement cost—and why it should be an important consideration for investors when considering a real estate purchase.