
Katy Wells - Maximized Minimalist | Leap Ep.22



Katy Wells, part-owner of a busy chiropractic business and mom of 2 young children found herself coming home from work exhausted, stressed and often overwhelmed. She'd enter her home after a long day of work and jump right into her chores and to-dos in lieu of spending time with her children. After putting her children to bed, she'd turn on the TV, hoping for reprieve, knowing both her body and soul were simply exhausted. Then, one day, she discovered the art of minimalism. As she began to apply minimalism to her day-to-day, she saw dramatic differences in her life. She came home from her practice and was present with her children. She could put her phone down and was no longer pre-occupied with the to-do list because there was simply less to do. It alleviated the exhaustion, stress, and the "hamster wheel" of daily life. After a few months of practice, she opened her own business teaching others how to apply this to their lives in an easy, applicable fashion. To learn more, you can find Katy at https://ww